Using a virucide as an upholstery and carpet disinfectant is part of the process of eliminating COVID-19 in our homes and businesses to avoid the spread of the infectious disease. E&B Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning serves the greater St. Louis MO area and offers services using an effective virucide cleaner to neutralize or destroy the coronavirus.
COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus. Researchers are still working to learn everything possible about the infectious disease and effective virucide cleaners to protect against it. In the meantime, it is accepted that the virus is spread from one person to another through sneezing, coughing, physical contact, and talking. In addition to frequently washing our hands in a thorough manner, effective ways to avoid the spread of COVID-19 include the use of hand sanitizers, disinfectants, and a carpet sanitizing service.
Carpets and upholstery cloth are porous surfaces. Studies on influenza A (H1N1), show that on plastic, metal, and other non-porous surfaces, the virus remains infectious approximately twice as long as on porous surfaces. Although upholstery and carpet are not as hospitable to viruses as hard surfaces such as countertops and doorknobs, they are still dry and cool surfaces. A strategy to eliminate the spread of COVID-19 in homes and businesses should include the treatment of carpets and upholstery using a virucide.
A virucide disinfectant is an agent used for sanitizing carpet. MERS and SARS are coronaviruses similar to COVID-19, and they are able to survive from 2 hours to 9 days on a surface. The length of time that the new strain of coronavirus remains infectious is not known with any certainty. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning are handled by professionals in the same manner that other coronaviruses are eliminated.
Any homeowner and business owner in the St. Louis area who desires to have professional cleaning services to help protect individuals from contracting COVID-19 can call on E&B Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning. We follow a prescribed process and use a recommended virucide disinfectant to treat carpets, furniture, and upholstery. E&B uses an EPA-registered disinfectant.
The process used by E&B Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning for treatment of furniture, carpets, and upholstery to neutralize or destroy the COVID-19 virus is basically as follows:
E&B Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning is trusted in homes and businesses throughout the greater St. Louis area and has been since 1974. We pride ourselves in our dedication to transparency in all business dealings and in our outstandingly friendly staff. We tackle the challenge of helping to eliminate the spread of COVID-19 with all seriousness. To schedule safe, efficient, and affordable carpet and upholstery cleaning to help protect against the coronavirus, call us today at (314) 427-7800. In an emergency, we can be reached at the same number 24/7— (314) 427-7800.
Now that you know a little more about us, we can get you a free estimate if we know a little more about what you need!